5/7/2004 · Involved in translocation of long-chain fatty acids (LFCA) across the plasma membrane (PubMed:12556534, PubMed:21395585). Has acyl-CoA ligase activity for long-chain and very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) (PubMed:24269233). Appears to be the principal fatty acid transporter in small intestinal enterocytes. Plays a role in the formation of the epidermal barrier. 一 安装node vue项目搭建依赖node的npm包管理器,所以我们先得安装node,此处就不详细讲解其安装过程。 二 安装vue-cli 安装成功后可以输入vue查看相关命令的使用,输入vue l 30/1/2020 · Fatty acid compositions of sampled fish species are summarized in Table 2. Overall, this study identified twenty-six fatty acids with the minimum proportion which exceeded 0.1% of the total fatty acids, composed of C14:0 to C22:6n-3. The 26 fatty acids reported here constituted about 81.9%–96.3% of the total fatty acids. BioVision’s Fatty Acid Uptake Assay Kit enables rapid determination of real-time fatty acid uptake kinetics in live cells expressing fatty acid transporter proteins. The assay uses a highly fluorescent long-chain fatty acid analogue (Ex/Em = 488/523 nm) that acts as a substrate for transmembrane fatty acid transporters (FATPs) and accumulates in intracellular lipid droplets. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can gradually develop into hepatic failure, and early diagnosis is crucial to improve treatment efficiency. The occurrence of NAFLD is closely related to lipid metabolism. Peroxisomes act as the first and main site for lipid metabolism in the hepatocytes, so abnormal
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