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doi: 10.1520/a1078_a1078m-19 Citation Format ASTM A1078 / A1078M-19, Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Dowels for Concrete Pavement, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2019, ASTM A1078/A1078M-2012,1.1 This specification covers plain steel dowel bars with protective fusion-bonded epoxy coating for use in concrete pavements. 1.2 This specification is applicable for orders in either inch-pound units (as Specification A1078) or in SI units (as Specification A1078M). 1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. ASTM A1078/A1078M-2012e1, 1.1x00a0;This specification covers plain steel dowel bars with protective fusion-bonded epoxy coating for use in concrete pavements. 1.2x00a0;This specification is applicable for orders in either inch-pound units (as Specification A1078) or in SI units (as Specification A1078M). 【维库电子市场网】为您提供a1078现货供应商、厂商、代理商信息,包括a1078 PDF下载,技术资料,相关应用,提供a1078的价格行情,型号、参数,引脚图等信息 astm 最新的技术论文,包括材料性能和特征、土木工程和建筑材料、石油化工、核能、环境 工程、医疗卫生与安全、以及通用技术等。 • 岩土技术试验杂志( ASTM A1011-A1011M-2001.pdf 中文版 举报 爱问共享资料ASTM A1011-A1011M-2001.pdf 中文版文档免费下载,数万用户每天上传大量最新资料,数量累计超一个亿,主营业务范围:ASTMASTMASTMASTM、NASNASNASNAS、NASMNASMNASMNASM、MILMILMILMIL、ISOISOISOISO、ENENENEN、DINDINDINDIN等技术标准翻译;技术 通过新浪微盘下载 ASTM_A108–03_Standard_Specification_for_Steel_Bar,_Carbon_and_Alloy,_Cold-Finished.pdf, 微盘是一款简单易用的网盘,提供超大免费云存储空间,支持电脑、手机 等终端的文档存储、在线阅读、免费下载、同步和分享是您工作、学习、生活 的必备工具!

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ASTM A1078/A1078M-2012,1.1 This specification covers plain steel dowel bars with protective fusion-bonded epoxy coating for use in concrete pavements. 1.2 This specification is applicable for orders in either inch-pound units (as Specification A1078) or in SI units (as Specification A1078M). 1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. ASTM A1078/A1078M-2012,1.1 This specification covers plain steel dowel bars with protective fusion-bonded epoxy coating for use in concrete pavements. 1.2 This specification is applicable for orders in either inch-pound units (as Specification A1078) or in SI units (as Specification A1078M). 1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. DOI: 10.1520/A1078_A1078M-19. Citation Format. ASTM A1078 / A1078M-19, Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Dowels for Concrete Pavement, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2019, Back to Top 29.03.2021 ASTM D950-2003(2020)e1 Standard Test Method for Impact Strength of A ASTM C1751 - 20 Standard Guide for Sampling 免费标准下载 ASTM A29-2015 中文版.pdf,ASTM A29-2015 中文版.pdf免费下载

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