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Portal 2 is a first-person shooter puzzle video game made by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to the video game Portal. The gameplay is similar to the first game, but it adds new stories, puzzles, and characters. 长沙政务服务网是长沙市人民政府办公厅主办的网站。该平台汇聚了长沙市、县、镇、村四级政务服务事项,多类涉企事项和涉民生事项均可在该网站统一办理。 2.Science 的其它访问途径: EBSCO 数据库 :可访问Science1997年至2004年的全文,全文仅为HTML格式。 JSTOR :可访问 Science自1880年创刊以来至五年前的全文,全文为TIFF、PDF(两种不同分辨率)、PostScript格式。 ProQuest 数据库 :可访问Science1988至2005年的全文。 3. 2. SciFinder数据库有并发用户限制,检索结束后请点击Sign Out退出系统。 数据库并发用户数为7,请检索结束后尽快退出。 3.在线浏览文献全文仅限于吉林大学图书馆已经订购的电子期刊。
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The CPTAC Data Portal is a centralized repository for the public dissemination of proteomic sequence datasets collected by CPTAC, along with corresponding genomic sequence datasets. In addition, available are analyses of CPTAC's raw mass sp NUMBERS AND PORTALS: Numbers and portals is a simple game of mathematics made to sharpen one’s mathematical abilities in multiplication, addition, subtraction and division. 474 5 1 Numbers and portals is a simple game of mathematics made to Reduce firm risk, deliver time-savings to the home office, and empower your distribution team to address questions on-the-fly through dynamic, compliance-approved custom report templates built in Morningstar Direct's Presentation Studio. Al Remember, only Prime members can shop all of those amazing Amazon Prime Day deals. These gift ideas are so thoughtful! Facebook has jumped into the smart home game with the Portal+, a video-calling device featuring a built-in Amazon Alexa speaker and a screen. While the Portal+ has lots of cool calling features, we’re still a little weary of the social medi Facebook's Portal is smart enough on its own, but improves greatly with the right features. Here are the Facebook Portal tips and tricks that you should know. Facebook wasn’t going to be left out of the smart display game. The Portal (and t
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